Classes (January 17, 2023)#

In previous sessions, we learned about various different data types (e.g., integers, strings, lists, tuples, dictionaries…) along with their methods (e.g., str.split(), list.sort(),…), but what if we could define our own?

With classes, you can write user-defined data types. This is a form of what’s called object-oriented programming. Instead of writing procedures / algorithms to solve a task, we are now writing code to define objects (of course these may subsequently be used in procedural programming tasks).

The basics#

  • A class specifies the format of instances of that class (in terms of data structure) and what procedures are available for them (in terms of user-defined methods).

  • Instances of a class are called objects (just like there are integer objects, list objects, etc.)

You may think of the definition of a class as the definition of a concept. As in real life, concepts/classes are defined by their essential properties, specified in terms of more basis concepts:

  • e.g., a rectangle may be defined as a quadrilateral with right angles, angles may be defined as the figure formed by two rays sharing a common endpoint, rays may be defined as […], and so forth).

  • In Python, that means that you can use any of the in-built basic data types to define objects of your own class, or may even define several classes (e.g., Rectangle and Angle), one of which inherits properties of the other (e.g. Rectangle inheriting properties of the Angle class).

Methods of a class can be thought of as definitions of the way in which instances of that concept / class interact with the world:

  • e.g., a rectangle can be enlarged or shrunk by adding / removing the same amount of length to its opposing sides, two rectangles may be conjoined if they align on one of their dimensions, etc.

  • In Python, methods of a class are specified in terms of functions that take an instance of that class as argument.

Defining a class in Python#

  • Class names start with a capital letter.

  • Classes usually start with an __init__ constructor (more on this below).

  • The self parameter is automatically set to refer to an object of the data type you are defining. In the code below, it is a variable refering to an instance of YourClass and functions like any other variable inside the class definition.

class YourClass:
    def __init__(self):
        self.variable1 = 1
        self.variable2 = 2
    def method1(self):
        #some method
    def method2(self):
        #some other method

The initialization method#

The __init__(self) method (also called the class constructor) is automatically called whenever you create an instance of the class. In it, you should specify the basic properties of all instances of that class. For instance, in the code above, it initializes all objects of the YourClass class as having two properties, variable1 and variable2, which have the values 1 and 2, respectively.

example = YourClass() #create an instance of the YourClass class  
print(example) #printing an object of that class just prints information about the type of object it is
<__main__.YourClass object at 0x0000021579B720A0>
print(example.variable1) #after initialization, this object has the properties we specified above

We may not always want to initialize objects with the same values for variable1 and variable2, though. To make the initialization method more general, we can add extra parameters in its definition, as in the following example. The way this works is that it sets value1 and value2 to 1 and 2, respectively, as long as no other values are provided in your call to create an instance of that class.

class YourClass:
    def __init__(self, value1 = 1, value2 = 2):
        self.variable1 = value1
        self.variable2 = value2
    def method1(self):
        #some method
    def method2(self):
        #some other method

We can still create objects like before:

example2 = YourClass()

But we can also specify their values for value1 and / or value2:

example3 = YourClass(2,3)
example4 = YourClass(value2=3)

Note that if you do not provide default values as in def __init__(self, value1 = 1, value2 = 2), you will always have to provide such values upon creating an object of that class.

A simple Language class#

The following is not a complete representation of specific language families. It only serves for illustration:

class Language:
    #if no information about family, branch, or number of speakers is provided by the user, set to unknown
    def __init__(self, name, family="unknown", branch="unknown", num_of_speakers="unknown"): #initializes the language class = name = family
        self.branch = branch
        self.num_of_speakers = num_of_speakers

    #function to infer language family from language branch
    def branch_to_family(self):
        if == "unknown" and self.branch != "unknown":
            if self.branch == ("Balto-Slavic" or "Germanic" or "Hellenic" or "Indo-Iranian" or "Romance"):
       = "Indo-European"
            elif self.branch == ("Sinitic" or "Tibeto-Burman"):
       = "Sino-Tibetan"
de = Language("German", "Indo-European", "Germanic", 100000000)
lat = Language("Latvian", branch = "Balto-Slavic",num_of_speakers = 2200000)

ra_ha = Language("Ramarih Hatohobei", "Austronesian", "Micronesian")

print(de) #de is now a Language object
<__main__.Language object at 0x0000021579BA0910>

Calling class methods#

We can call on a class method just as we called methods for other data types before (e.g., str.split()):

print( #family information has now been added

Using class objects as arguments or parameters#

We can use instances of our class as arguments or parameters in functions. For instance, we could write a function that outputs all information about a particular language:

def print_language_info(lang):
    print(, "is an instance of a", lang.branch, "language in the",, "language family. It has", lang.num_of_speakers, "native speakers")
German is an instance of a Germanic language in the Indo-European language family. It has 100000000 native speakers

Importantly, for general-purpose functions like this, it is preferred to add them as new methods of the class, rather than as functions operating outside of the class. One of the reasons for that is that your code stays more portable and comprehensible if all important functions / methods are contained within the class definition.

So let’s add a print method to our class. Crucially, if we call it __str__(self), it will function as the default output of the print() function called on objects of that class!

class Language:
    def __init__(self, name, family="unknown", branch="unknown", num_of_speakers="unknown"): = name = family
        self.branch = branch
        self.num_of_speakers = num_of_speakers

    def branch_to_family(self):
        if == "unknown" and self.branch != "unknown":
            if self.branch == ("Balto-Slavic" or "Germanic" or "Hellenic" or "Indo-Iranian" or "Romance"):
       = "Indo-European"
            elif self.branch == ("Sinitic" or "Tibeto-Burman"):
       = "Sino-Tibetan"
    def __str__(self):
        return ("{0} is an instance of a {1} language in the {2} language family. It has {3} native speakers.".format(, self.branch,, self.num_of_speakers))
#create the objects again with the new Class definition:
de = Language("German", "Indo-European", "Germanic", 100000000)
lat = Language("Latvian", branch = "Balto-Slavic",num_of_speakers = 2200000)

ra_ha = Language("Ramarih Hatohobei", "Austronesian", "Micronesian")

German is an instance of a Germanic language in the Indo-European language family. It has 100000000 native speakers.

Using several instances of a class#

We can also define methods that operate on several instances of the class we are in. For example, we could specify a class method that checks whether two languages are part of the same language family. This method takes self and another Language object as arguments.

Note also that we can call other class methods from within a class method (here, we call branch_to_family), just like we saw nested function calls in previous sessions.

class Language:
    def __init__(self, name, family="unknown", branch="unknown", num_of_speakers="unknown"): = name = family
        self.branch = branch
        self.num_of_speakers = num_of_speakers

    def branch_to_family(self):
        if == "unknown" and self.branch != "unknown":
            if self.branch == ("Balto-Slavic" or "Germanic" or "Hellenic" or "Indo-Iranian" or "Romance"):
       = "Indo-European"
            elif self.branch == ("Sinitic" or "Tibeto-Burman"):
       = "Sino-Tibetan"
    def family_check(self, comparison):
        if == "unknown":
        if == "unknown":
        if == "unknown" or == "unknown":
            print("At least one of the languages does not have a known language family.")
        elif ==
            print("Same language family.")
            print("Not the same language family.")
    def __str__(self):
        return ("{0} is an instance of a {1} language in the {2} language family. It has {3} native speakers.".format(, self.branch,, self.num_of_speakers))
#create the objects again with the new Class definition:
de = Language("German", "Indo-European", "Germanic", 100000000)
lat = Language("Latvian", branch = "Balto-Slavic",num_of_speakers = 2200000)

ra_ha = Language("Ramarih Hatohobei", "Austronesian", "Micronesian")

Same language family.
Not the same language family.

Class inheritance#

We can declare classes as subtypes of another class. For instance, below, we define a class IndoEuropean as a subtype of the Language class.

All functionalities of the superclass (class variables, methods) are inherited by the subclass, but can be overridden by redefinition or reassignment.

class IndoEuropean(Language):

en = IndoEuropean("English")

Below, we redefine the initialization method for the IndoEuropean class. Note that all other methods from the Language class will still be available in the IndoEuropean subclass.

class IndoEuropean(Language):
    def __init__(self, name, branch="unknown", num_of_speakers="unknown"): = name = "Indo-European"
        self.branch = branch
        self.num_of_speakers = num_of_speakers
en = IndoEuropean("English")

Objects are mutable#

You know mutability from list objects. It means that we can we can directly add, remove, or change the values of the object without creating a new object. Note that Class objects are mutable! Specifically, we can change any of the instantiated object’s values, delete properties of the object, or delete the object altogether:

#change value of num_of_speakers
en.num_of_speakers = 370000000
#delete num_of_speakers property
del en.num_of_speakers
print(en.num_of_speakers) #results in error
AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
~\AppData\Local\Temp\ipykernel_3112\ in <module>
      1 #delete num_of_speakers property
      2 del en.num_of_speakers
----> 3 print(en.num_of_speakers) #results in error

AttributeError: 'IndoEuropean' object has no attribute 'num_of_speakers'
#delete object
del en

#to remind you of the try block...
except NameError:
    print("The object no longer exists.")
The object no longer exists.