Talks and posters

Contributed talks


Schwab, J., and Liu, M. (2021). Attenuating NPIs in indicative vs. counterfactual conditionals. Sinn und Bedeutung 26. Cologne, Germany.
Abstract and handout
Schwab, J., and Liu, M. (2021). Lexical variation in the illusory licensing of negative polarity items in German. Linguistic illusions in sentence processing (Illusions 2021). Konstanz, Germany.
Schwab, J., and Liu, M. (2021). All that in conditionals: Attenuating NPIs in indicative and counterfactual conditionals. 43rd Annual Conference of the German Linguistic Society (DGfS). Freiburg, Germany.


Schwab, J., Liu, M., and Mueller, J. L. (2020). Is German sonderlich losing its NPI-status? Degree Expressions and Polarity Effects (DegPol2020). Berlin, Germany.
Schwab, J., and Liu, M. (2020). Multiple cue integration in discourse expectations: experimenting with German 'zwar...aber' vs. English 'true...but'. Workshop: "Explicit and implicit coherence relations: Different, but how exactly?". Berlin, Germany.


Schwab, J., and Liu, M. (2019). Multiple cue integration in discourse expectations: experimenting with German 'zwar...aber' vs. English 'true...but'. Discourse Expectations: Theoretical, Experimental, and Computational Perspectives (DETEC 2019) . Berlin, Germany.

Posters/Short talks


Schwab, J., Liu, M., Gruber, T., and Mueller, J.L. (2022). Prediction and its limits in the processing of negative polarity items. Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing 28 (AMLaP 2022). York, UK.
Schwab, J., Liu, M., Beese, C., Gruber, T., and Mueller, J.L. (2022). Testing predictive and integrative neural mechanisms in the processing of negative polarity items. 35th Annual Conference on Human Sentence Processing (HSP 2022). Santa Cruz, USA.


Schwab, J. and Liu, M. (2021). Lexical variation in the illusory licensing of negative polarity items in German. Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing (AMLaP 2021). Paris, France.
Liu, M., Blümel, A., and Schwab, J. (2021). Testing linguistic illusions with obligatory relatives in German. Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing (AMLaP 2021). Paris, France.
Liu, M., Blümel, A., and Schwab, J. (2021). Testing linguistic illusions with obligatory relatives in German. Linguistic illusions in sentence processing (Illusions 2021). Konstanz, Germany.


Schwab, J., Liu, M., and Mueller, J. L. (2020). On the acquisition of polarity items: 11- to 12-year-olds' comprehension of German NPIs and PPIs. Workshop on the Processing of Negation and Polarity (NegPolProcessing2020). Berlin, Germany.
Poster    Abstract
Schwab, J., Liu, M., and Mueller, J. L. (2020). Is sonderlich losing its NPI-status? 33rd Annual CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing (CUNY 2020). Amherst, MA, USA.
Schwab, J., and Liu, M. (2020). Lexical and contextual cue effects in discourse expectations: experimenting with German 'zwar...aber' vs. English 'true...but'. 33rd Annual CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing (CUNY 2020). Amherst, MA, USA.


Schwab, J., Liu, M., and Mueller, J. L. (2019). Expectation-based sentence processing in prospective NPI licensing. Computational Cognition 2019 (COMCO 2019) . Osnabrück, Germany.
Schwab, J., Liu, M., and Mueller, J. L. (2019). Expectation-based sentence processing in prospective NPI licensing. 3rd Experimental Pragmatics in Italy Conference ( 2019) . Cagliari, Italy.
Schwab, J., Xiang, M., and Liu, M. (2019). Anti-locality effects without verb-final dependencies. 32nd Annual CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing (CUNY 2019) . Boulder, CO, USA.